Guide to Choosing Common Rivets: Speed Fastening

Speed Fastening®

Speed Fastening® blind rivets are well suited for the assembly of metals, plastics, composites, and passive electronic components where short cycle times, good vibration resistance, elimination of over torquing, and consistent clamp and grip are required. Ideal for assembly lines and benches, Speed Fastening® tools are either magazine or vibratory bowl-fed. As the installation cycle ends for one rivet, the next advances, automatically. There are no stems, so there’s no waste.

Click here for a handy selection guide.


Simply the strongest speed fastener, combining high clamp throughout a wide grip range.


Speed fasteners with a bulbed tail providing consistent high clamp and shear.


Speed fasteners which provide consistent controlled clamp, ideal for soft or brittle materials.

Double Flush Chobert®

Flush Speed Fastening for applications in exceptionally thin sheet metals.


Developed for blind hole applications in wood, plastics, fiberglass and aluminum.


Initially designed to attach DIN 41612 connectors to PCBs but can also be used to attach other connectors.


Threaded stand-off pillars for PCBs in a range of metric internal threads and many stand-off heights.


Secure, easy-to-solder terminal posts for PCBs.



Threaded, removable speed fasteners.

Rivscrew® PL

Speed fastening for plastic assembly requirements.

Switching Rivets Saves Manufacturer Thousands

$100,000+ yearly savings!

A National leisure craft manufacturer was experiencing an assembly bottleneck and several other issues. A switch in rivets made for a resounding solution. Learn how the experts at Atlantic Fasteners were able to devise a cost-saving solution for their customers. 

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