Atlantic Fasteners Reporting Services
Reporting is Critical to Ensuring Quality Service and Performance
Atlantic Fasteners utilizes a variety of reports to provide customers with the data and information needed to make good business decisions.
When it comes to warehouse shipping errors , our team on average makes fewer than 20 errors per year while shipping some 135,000+ order lines. A 99% accuracy rating.
Our customers have come to expect and trust that Atlantic Fasteners will be:
- Responsive - 24 hours turn around time on quotes and a24/7 after hours hotline (add hotline number)
- Dependable - same-day shipping offered on in-stock products
- Knowledgeable -30+ years of experience in troubleshooting, problem-solving, and sourcing hard-to-find items
- Trustworthy - customers can trust in the products we deliver, with free manufacturing certifications offered, the ability to trace back items to the OEM, and custom paperwork services.
Atlantic Fastener Report Examples
Parts List
- Identifies the fasteners you’re buying by your part numbers if you have them, or ours if you don’t.
- If we manage your inventory by bar code scanning, it also shows predetermined minimum/reorder quantities and locations.
- Can be used as an approved list for departments.
- Helps minimize inventories and prevent duplication.
- Helps your engineering department standardize part numbers
Identifying duplicates is the easiest way to flush out unnecessary inventory, and an effective way to reduce your costs.
Inventory Analysis Summary
The detail for the report comes from the Inventory Analysis Detail by Dept. and Point-of-use location report.
- For bar code inventory managed accounts:
- shows purchases
- inventory turns
- value by department and point-of-use locations
- It helps you spot potentially overstocked, slow-moving or obsolete inventories.
- An excellent overview for executives
Tracks fill rate and accuracy/reliability rate as tied to the number of $100 credits we’ve paid in fulfillment of our service guarantees. Naturally, 100% accuracy and reliability are our goals.
- Provides information comparing inventory levels and forecast
- A high fill rate means fewer costly backorders and that stocked inventory is aligning with the forecasts provided
- A problem with the fill rate indicates a problem with stocking or forecasting - by working together we can improve the situation
- The bottom section of the report compares the accuracy and reliability we achieve with you compared to all our customers.
We guarantee outstanding services like on-time delivery, callbacks when promised, error-free shipping and billing, zero-defect products, and 100% customer satisfaction.